We know that joining as a member or sponsor isn’t for everyone. There are other ways you can support this worthy cause. Maybe you have time, talent or goods or services we can use.
Since 100 Women Who Care Guelph is a purely volunteer run organization, and since 100% of our member donations go directly to the selected charities, the operational costs for our meetings are generously donated by our sponsors. As our organization grows, so do the costs to support it.
Our Wish List consists of items that are needed for our quarterly meetings. If your time is on offer, we also include various duties that need to be performed at our quarterly meetings.
If you would like to support our efforts by becoming a sponsor, please have a look at our Wish List and contact us if you can help us out with any of the following:
Wish List
- Pens
- Name Tags
- Ballot Printing
- Commitment Form Printing
- Meeting Registration at Quarterly Meetings
- Ballot Counting at Quarterly Meetings
Thank you for your support!