Only members can submit a charity to 100WWCG.
We encourage all members to nominate their favourite charity as your gift to their cause.
Curious as to how it all works before you take that all important step? See our step-by-step guidelines below.
Nomination Process:
- A member selects a Charity they would like to put forward for consideration.
- Need some inspiration? See our handy-dandy, partial List of Guelph Charities!
- At least two weeks before the meeting, that member fills out the Charity Nomination Form, below.
- All charities are vetted against eligibility criteria and approved.
- All approved charities are automatically entered into the draw each quarter.
- Approximately one week prior to the meeting, members of the steering committee draw three charities from the hat.
- Successful drawees are notified, having one week to prepare their presentations.
- After opening remarks, the three charities drawn are announced.
Presentation Process:
- There are three choices for presenting:
- The member may make the presentation, alone or with another member for support,
- The member may make the presentation in conjunction with a charity representative, or
- A charity representative may make the presentation.
- Five minutes are allotted for each presentation.
- Five minutes are then allowed for Q&A.
- All members in attendance cast their votes.
- The successful charity receives the donation cheques.
- The member who nominated the chosen charity now has the opportunity to nominate another charity.
Are You Ready to Share Your Passion?
Local charities desperately need our help. Please consider being their champion by filling out the nomination form below for a chance to tell us of the amazing work they do. Just remember, to be approved it must meet the following criteria:
Eligibility Requirements
To be considered eligible, charities must:
- serve the Guelph community, with the funds remaining in Guelph,
- be a registered charity in good standing with the CRA,
- be able to provide tax receipts for donations (no start-ups)
- have not received funds from 100WWCG in the prior three years, and
- be registered with CanadaHelps.
Charity Nomination Form
Charity Presentation Outline
We love hearing stories from our members about their personal connection to a charity. Should you choose to make the presentation yourself, it should be simple and not overly formal. Speak from the heart, and think “passion”, not “perfection”!
Here is a list of topics that you should be prepared to discuss:
- What is the name of the organization?
- Where is the organization located?
- What is the mission of the organization?
- What purpose does the organization serve? (who, what do they do, how do they do it)
- How would the organization benefit from receiving the donation?
- How will the funds be used?
- What other sources of funding does the organization have?
- Can they issue tax receipts?
- If chosen, to whom would the group make a cheque payable?
- Describe your personal interactions with the organization or how you learned of the organization.