Press Release April 2021 (North End Harvest Market)

100 WWCG Helps North End Harvest Market Combat Food Insecurity

The North End Harvest Market, dedicated to providing food insecure families with fresh fruit and vegetables, was given a boost with a $10,000+ donation from 100 Women Who Care Guelph at their latest quarterly meeting.

Food insecurity in Guelph has been on the rise for the past year as COVID continues to relentlessly impact our society.

With a Public Health Inspector safety approval plan in place, the volunteer run North End Harvest Market was able to pivot to curb side pickup of pre-selected food bags, as well as institute a home delivery service for those unable to drive to their location at Waverley Drive Public School.

The need is so great they have expanded their catchment area outside of the north end, and have increased their weekly support from 50 families pre-COVID to 160 families today, with the budget rising from $600 to $1500 a week as a result.

Healthy food should not be one of the things anyone has to give up because of COVID.

As we all work together to see each other through these difficult times, 100 WWCG is delighted to help support the efforts of the North End Harvest Market.

To find more information on the fundraising efforts of 100 WWCG, or to become a member and join in contributing to local charities, visit their website at