Alzheimer’s Minds in Motion Program receives $15,100 in funding from 100 WWCG
Alzheimer’s – a word that comes fully loaded with dread, anxiety, sorrow and increasing isolation, and a disease more Canadians are diagnosed with every day.
The impact on both the person living with dementia and their care partner is enormous, but there is help out there. 100 Women Who Care Guelph chose Alzheimer Society Waterloo Wellington’s Minds in Motion program to be the recipient of their July 2016 donation of $15,100.
Minds in Motion is a community-based social program offered to people with early to mid-stage signs of Alzheimer’s disease and their care partners. It offers physical activity and mental stimulation, both of which are critical for brain health. Equally importantly, it offers a supportive social network to help combat the increasing isolation that accompanies the diagnosis.
As of 2011, 747,000 Canadians were living with Alzheimer’s disease. That figure is projected to grow to 1.4 million by 2031. Programs like Minds in Motion are of immense importance to our community, and organizations like 100 WWCG, whose mission is to support the most vulnerable among us, help to ensure that no one feels alone in dealing with this disease.