Press Release July 2018 (Shelldale Family Gateway)

Shelldale Family Gateway receives support from 100 WWCG

Benjamin Franklin provided us with the following axiom: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

Using a preventative support model to enrich children’s lives, Shelldale Family Gateway (formerly known as Shelldale Better Beginnings, Better Futures) prevents children from experiencing poor developmental outcomes, thus avoiding costly health, education, and social services later on. Members of 100 Women Who Care Guelph responded generously to that concept by donating over $13,000 to Shelldale.

Preparing children to meet the challenges of living in and contributing positively to Canadian society is a monumental task, just ask any parent. Those challenges are increased immensely if you are from a socio-economically marginalized community, or a recent immigrant with limited English language skills.

Shelldale provides wrap-around supports through every stage of childhood to families in the Onward Willow neighbourhood, making sure that each child is supported every step of the way on that complicated journey.

Shelldale begins by sending Peer Parent family home visitors out into the community to connect with new mothers, introducing them to the work of the organization. That service is offered in eight different languages to ensure each family is fully aware of the supports that are available to them, helping them to understand the powerful effect those supports can have on a child’s development.

There are a variety of drop-in programs for pre-schoolers, followed by a breakfast program which ensures every child shows up at school well fed and ready to learn. For the tweens, there are art groups, a youth soccer club, after-school homework assistance, and many other programs designed to provide engagement, support and encouragement. Workshops in resume writing are offered to teens as they prepare to take up the mantle of adulthood and full participation in our society.

Investing in our community, now and for the future, is what 100 WWCG is all about. Visit for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.