100 Women Who Care Guelph completes it’s inaugural year with a donation of $12,500 awarded to Guelph Wellington Women in Crisis, bringing the total amount invested in Guelph charities this year to $46,600. This group was created in the hope it would have a big impact on our local charities, and has proven to be successful on all counts.
GW WIC Transitional Housing and Support Program is the fourth charity to be awarded funds by the group. This program provides counselling and levels of services so desperately needed by women and their children who are experiencing or have experienced abuse, helping them to start over, with both practical and emotional support.
This was the fourth quarterly meeting of 100 WWCG, which has seen its membership grow steadily from an initial 88 members in October 2014 to their current 125 members. Word of the group is spreading throughout the community, thanks in part to appearances on Rogers Inside Guelph program on October 27, 2014 and Talk Local Guelph on April 7, 2015, as well as the members themselves encouraging their friends to join.
The next meeting will be held Monday, October 5 from 7 – 8 pm at the Delta on Gordon. There is no upper limit on membership, so visit www.100womenwhocareguelph.com to sign up, and help make an even greater impact on our local charities.