100 Women Who Care Guelph Helps At Risk Teens
At their most recent quarterly meeting, 100 WWCG chose to support The Children First Fund of Family & Children’s Services of Guelph and Wellington County.
In January 2018, Family & Children’s Services were handed the additional role of supporting 16-18 year olds who are no longer eligible for foster care, and thus struggling to make it on their own. Children in that situation have no parental or family support, and find themselves adrift, living on their own with extremely limited financial resources. They are at risk of homelessness, mental health issues, and drugs, and can fall prey to human trafficking.
There are 90 such children in our community.
By investing their $13,000+ donation in the Youth Education and Transition Support program, 100 WWCG was able to offer assistance in two very different ways.
Firstly, the funds will be used to support kids in two different streams. If the child is going on to college or university, they will be provided with a $400 set-up kit consisting of a backpack and other necessary supplies. In the second stream, where kids have found work, a $1000 worth of kitchen supplies, bedding, towels, and furniture will help them transition to living on their own.
That is the easily quantifiable gift 100 WWCG was able to offer. Of equal importance, but far more ephemeral and long lasting, is the emotional impact the donation will have on the lives of the children. Many of them have a limited vision for themselves, accompanied by poor self worth. The one lesson they have learned, and they have learned it very well, is that they are on their own.
The second gift 100 WWCG was able to offer was belief: belief that each child is worthy of support; belief that each one can succeed; belief that there is much more to them than where circumstance has landed them; belief that there is a path to a bright future.
Who knows where that gift will lead?
Visit www.100womenwhocareguelph.com for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.