At 100 Women Who Care Guelph’s Eighth Virtual Meeting, Local Charities Take Centre Stage

So its been a crazy couple of years…
We’ve worn masks, been vaccinated, worked from home, had Zoom meetings (and funerals, and weddings). We keep trying to find balance and a “new normal” but we aren’t quite there yet.
There may still be some challenges in the future, but 100 Women Who Care Guelph has proven it can rise to any challenge.
Great news! In spite of Covid-19, we have continued to make a huge financial contribution to local charities. We’re proud to report that over the past (almost) eight years, we have raised close to $362,000.
And here we are, delivering the results of our eighth virtual meeting. That says something about our members’ level of commitment to giving back to our community. It also says a great deal about what we can achieve, moving forward.
Your kindness is making a difference.
Last week, members representing three charities selected in our nomination draw, provided written presentations which were reviewed and voted on by our group.
Our three chosen charities were:
The Nightingale Centre
(Nominated by Donna Core)
Alzheimer Society Waterloo Wellington
(Nominated by Robin Smart)
Art Not Shame
(Nominated by Rachel Collins )

Important Announcement!
The Nightingale Centre
(Nominated by Donna Core)
Is the Recipient of our April 2022 Donation!
The donation from 100 Women Who Care will be used to:
– fund and train facilitators
– purchase therapeutic supplies for memory-making activities
– purchase books that can be read to children to encourage conversation
– provide information packages for parents
– offer educational workshops for the community
For more information, follow this link to our most recent press release.

Guelph/Wellington Community Health Van Team Says “Thank You!” For Our January Donation
The Guelph/Wellington Community Health Van Team recently expressed its thanks for our January donation!
Follow this link to read what the team had to say.
What’s Next?
As we wrap up this nomination and voting cycle, 100 Women Who Care Guelph is looking towards the future.
We have had some questions from members regarding how and when 100WWCG can return to ‘in person’ meetings. That said, we’d like to transition from virtual to in person meetings in a way that honours all our member’s needs. We recently conducted a brief survey of the membership to try to gauge everyone’s comfort level.
The past two years have taught us that our group is strong, innovative and flexible and will rise to the challenge of finding the best and safest way for our members to “connect” as we move forward. By the end of April, you will be receiving an email which details exciting changes to our meeting format. Stay tuned for more information…
Sharon, Tannis, Miriam, Lisa, Peggy and Dianne. The 100 Women Team