Press Release October 2021 (YMCA of Three Rivers)

100 WWCG Invests in the YMCA PD Day, School Break Camp Program

Life has become much more complex for everyone with the advent of COVID-19, but none more so than for those who have children.

Working parents unable to work from home have faced the particular challenge of finding adequate care for their children during the week, when sending them to school is not an option.

For those already facing financial hurdles, needing to stay home with your children can mean risking losing your job or not being able to bring home enough money to make ends meet.

While parents face one kind of stress, children face another. Children desperately need connection and socialization with others to retain their physical and mental health, to keep on an even keel during challenging and unsettling times. Never has this need been greater.

The Guelph YMCA offers their support for both parents and children through their PD Day and School Break Day Camp. For the ten PD days and five days of March break this school year, parents can rest easy knowing their children are receiving quality care.

This Day Camp experience is offered to all children ages 4-12 years, providing a safe place to have essential childhood experiences while learning new skills and building resilience and confidence.

Last year, the YMCA in Guelph was able to provide subsidized camp experiences for 97 families who otherwise would not have been able to afford to send their children to Day Camp.

To ensure that the financial costs of the Day Camp are not an obstacle this year, 100 Women Who Care Guelph is pleased to invest their $10,000+ donation this quarter in families, helping provide necessary childcare when parents need to work.

To find more information on the fundraising efforts of 100 WWCG, or to become a member and join in contributing to local charities, visit their website at