Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
We’ve discovered a great deal over the past year, but the one thing we have definitely learned is the power of determination and commitment. 100 Women Who Care Guelph has used virtual meetings to continue our important work for Guelph charities in response to ongoing Covid-19 concerns.
For those in need of support, the sentiment above says it all. Our determination to prevail during this challenging time has required 100WWCG to be innovative in our efforts to give back to our Guelph community.
We are proud to say that we haven’t given up on local charities. They are not alone in their struggle to survive and their continued success matters to our membership. The power of generosity is a mighty one.
Members, representing three charities selected in our nomination draw, provided written presentations which were reviewed and voted upon by members.
Our three chosen charities were:
1. YMCA of Three Rivers
(Nominated by Rosemary Fernandes-Walker)
2. Guelph Wish Fund for Children
(Nominated by Karyn Kirkwood)
3. Foundation of Guelph General Hospital
(Nominated by Lisa Hood)

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
Important Announcement!
YMCA of Three Rivers
(Nominated by Rosemary Fernandes- Walker)
Is the Recipient of our October 2021 Donation!
YMCA of Three Rivers will use our donation to support its Day Camp initiatives. These valuable programs benefit parents by alleviating the stress of finding care for their children while they need to work – specifically for PD days and March Break. They also provide a safe and inclusive camp experience for all children ages 4-12 years.
For more information, follow this link to our most recent press release.

Torchlight Services Says “Thank You!” For Our June Donation
Kim Court, the Program Co-ordinator of Torchlight Services, has prepared a special “Thank You!” for all members of 100 Women Who Care Guelph.
Follow this link to their expression of thanks on our website.
What are Our Next Steps?
We’re starting to see changes, slowly but surely, to the way that we are able to do things.
Sixteen months ago, our world changed. Handshakes and hugs were replaced by hand sanitizer and masks. Connection used to be easy, but we have learned that we can still stay connected by being flexible during challenging times.
The steering committee is SO proud of our membership. Whatever the challenge we may have faced, you have been up to the task! Your commitment to giving back to the Guelph community has made it possible for us to donate more than $10,000 per quarter to eligible local charities. Congratulations to our membership for achieving this incredible success.
Currently, the situation is fluid. As soon as it is possible to host safe “in person” meetings, approved by local and provincial authorities, we will notify everyone by email and post information on the Upcoming Meetings page on our website.
Meanwhile, here is some food for thought from others whose lives have impacted many:
“No one has ever become poor by giving”
Anne Frank
“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.”
Napoleon Hill
Thanks for your huge contribution to our success! Together, we really do make a difference…
Sharon, Tannis, Miriam, Lisa, Carol, Peggy and Dianne
The 100 Women Team