100 Women Who Care Guelph, a grassroots fundraising organization, has donated $250,635 to local charities over the past five years.
The Guelph chapter launched in October of 2014 with 99 members, who selected Hospice Wellington and their Art Therapy program to receive their first collective donation. Five years and 20 donations later, the membership stands at around 150 members, and it was the latest donation to Hospice Wellington for their sun room revitalization that saw the group surpass the $250,000 dollar mark.
Between the two Hospice donations the group has supported a wide variety of local charities, including the Guelph Public Library, Sunrise Therapeutic Riding and Learning Centre, Ed Video, Rainbow Day Camp, Alzheimer Society, North End Harvest Market, and the Drop In Centre, to name a few. A full list, along with the heartfelt thank you speeches from the chosen charities, can be found at www.100womenwhocareguelph.com.
The concept is elegant, the impact enormous. Each member commits to attending a one hour meeting and making a $100 donation four times a year, with the donation going to a collectively chosen local charity. Guelph wins, every time.
Thanks to a committed and passionate membership, 100 WWCG will continue to have a big impact in Guelph as they begin their sixth year at their next meeting, to be held at the Delta Hotel and Conference Centre on Thursday, October 17th at 7:00pm.
New members are always welcome. There is no such thing as too many caring women in a room.
Visit www.100womenwhocareguelph.com for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.