Photo courtesy Unsplash
Wow! Over the past year, what we definitely have learned is the power of our members’ determination and commitment. In response to punishing Covid-19 challenges, we have used virtual meetings to continue our important work for Guelph charities – and we have succeeded!
100WWCG has been determined to prevail, against all odds. We have worked hard, been innovative, and stayed connected to our membership. Our over-riding desire has been to give back to the Guelph community.
We are proud to say that we haven’t given up on local charitable organizations. They are not alone in their struggle to survive and their continued success matters to our membership.
Our commitment to Guelph charities is firm. We want to support them, no matter how challenging the current situation may be. 100 Women Who Care Guelph is proud to move forward, and wholeheartedly dedicate its efforts to our community.
Members, representing three charities selected in our nomination draw, provided written presentations which were reviewed and voted upon by members.
Our three chosen charities were:
1. The Nightingale Centre
(Nominated by Donna Core)
2. The Guelph Community Health Van
(Nominated by Ruth McMath )
3. Waterloo Wellington Down Syndrome Society
(Nominated by Mary Casagrande)
Photo courtesy Unsplash
Important Announcement!
The Guelph Community Health Van
(Nominated by Ruth McMath )
Is the Recipient of our January 2022 Donation!
Over the past two years, there has been a huge increase in demand for services and supplies offered by the Van, especially as the pandemic has reduced access to health facilities and resources.
Our 100 Women Who Care Guelph donation will be used to fund the purchase of the most urgently needed winter items including sleeping bags, warm clothing, tarps, blankets and hygiene supplies.
Where do we go from here?
The past two years have felt like a gut punch.
Nobody believed that in 2022, we would find ourselves here, but this is our reality and we persist. There have been positive outcomes.
We have learned that we are strong and innovative.
100WWCG continues to make a huge contribution to the Guelph community, in spite of Covid-19.
Connection used to be easier. That said, we know that we need to stay engaged, now more than ever. Whatever the challenge we may have faced, the 100WWCG membership has always been up to the task!
100WWCG has committed to giving back to the Guelph community over the past 7 years. This commitment has made it possible for 100WWCG to donate more than $10,000 per quarter to eligible local charities. Congratulations to our membership for achieving this incredible success.
Most of us recognize that our path forward isn’t clear yet, but the steering committee is constantly working towards the day when we can have real handshakes and hugs in large venues, without hand sanitizer and masks, and make our decisions without relying on network technology. We will notify everyone by email and post information on the Upcoming Meetings page on our website, as soon as this is possible.
Meanwhile, we are confident that you will continue to be the engaged membership that we celebrate, as we move forward to achieve incredible successes within the Guelph charity community.
“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.”
Mohammed Ali
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
President Barack Obama
Thanks for your huge contribution to our success! Together, we really domake a difference.
Sharon, Tannis, Miriam, Lisa, Carol, Peggy and Dianne
The 100 Women Team