Category Archives: Press Releases

Press Release July 2020 (The Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington)

100 WWCG Provides COVID-19 Support to the Children’s Foundation

Tough times call for creative solutions, and these are indeed tough times. When our society was put on lock down, local charities saw an immediate increase in need, and yet had many of their usual fundraising events cancelled. 100 Women Who Care Guelph created a virtual meeting format for July, and is delighted to offer their latest donation to the Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington to help fill that gap.

The goal of the Children’s Foundation is to nurture the well-being of the whole child – physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. They have created two new programs to address issues made even more urgent by COVID-19.

Many children rely on food programs at school as a primary source of nourishment for the day. With schools being closed, and those nutritious meals off the table, the Children’s Foundations created their Fresh Food for Kids program, which delivers 540 family food kits weekly to over 1,400 children and youth. Due to urgent food insecurity needs, this vital program will continue through the summer months.

There is no doubt the social isolation we are all feeling is even more potent for children. With so many recreational programs cancelled this summer, the Children’s Foundation has created a Free to Grow at Home initiative, providing kits comprised of books, games, puzzles, arts and crafts, and outdoor games to bring fun, creativity, and learning to kids this summer.

With this donation from 100 WWCG, the Children’s Foundation plans to provide 150 recreational kits, significantly reducing their waiting list, as well as to bring nutritious food to 100 kids this summer.

Visit for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.

Press Release January 2020 (Food4Kids Guelph)

100 Women Who Care Guelph Contribute to Food4Kids Guelph

100 WWCG quite literally “stepped up to the plate” by voting to support Food4Kids Guelph at their latest quarterly meeting.

While there are many programs in Guelph that offer in-school breakfast or lunch programs, a gap remains on the weekends. Food4Kids, a charity begun here in 2017 and run entirely by volunteers, works to bridge that gap by providing healthy, nutritious food for children who are facing severe food insecurity at home.

There have been as many as 500 children within the city of Guelph that have been identified as being food insecure. Parents may often struggle with work commitments or financial restraints which make it difficult to access food banks and food pantries. Going home for the weekend and facing empty cupboards and fridges, and the empty stomachs that come with that, is daunting for the children. That’s where Food4Kids comes in.

Every week, the volunteers assemble food packages, each of which costs $500 per child per school year, containing a mix of fresh and dried goods. Those packages are then delivered to the school on a Friday, and are placed into the backpack of the child to take home. Once a child is identified as being food insecure, the schools ensure that all children in that household are included so there is enough food for everyone. They are currently feeding more than 167 children from 10 schools, with more on the waiting list.

The benefits of adequate and consistent nutrition on the immediate, short, and long-term developmental outcomes for children is immense. Chronic hunger affects everything from physical and mental health, to academic success.

100 WWCG contributed their latest $13,000+ donation towards reducing child hunger in our city.

Visit for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.

Press Release October 2019 (Family & Children’s Services of Guelph and Wellington County)

100 Women Who Care Guelph Helps At Risk Teens

At their most recent quarterly meeting, 100 WWCG chose to support The Children First Fund of Family & Children’s Services of Guelph and Wellington County.

In January 2018, Family & Children’s Services were handed the additional role of supporting 16-18 year olds who are no longer eligible for foster care, and thus struggling to make it on their own. Children in that situation have no parental or family support, and find themselves adrift, living on their own with extremely limited financial resources. They are at risk of homelessness, mental health issues, and drugs, and can fall prey to human trafficking.

There are 90 such children in our community.

By investing their $13,000+ donation in the Youth Education and Transition Support program, 100 WWCG was able to offer assistance in two very different ways.

Firstly, the funds will be used to support kids in two different streams. If the child is going on to college or university, they will be provided with a $400 set-up kit consisting of a backpack and other necessary supplies. In the second stream, where kids have found work, a $1000 worth of kitchen supplies, bedding, towels, and furniture will help them transition to living on their own.

That is the easily quantifiable gift 100 WWCG was able to offer. Of equal importance, but far more ephemeral and long lasting, is the emotional impact the donation will have on the lives of the children. Many of them have a limited vision for themselves, accompanied by poor self worth. The one lesson they have learned, and they have learned it very well, is that they are on their own.

The second gift 100 WWCG was able to offer was belief: belief that each child is worthy of support; belief that each one can succeed; belief that there is much more to them than where circumstance has landed them; belief that there is a path to a bright future.

Who knows where that gift will lead?

Visit for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.

100 Women Who Care Guelph Passes the $250,000 Mark

100 Women Who Care Guelph, a grassroots fundraising organization, has donated $250,635 to local charities over the past five years.

 The Guelph chapter launched in October of 2014 with 99 members, who selected Hospice Wellington and their Art Therapy program to receive their first collective donation. Five years and 20 donations later, the membership stands at around 150 members, and it was the latest donation to Hospice Wellington for their sun room revitalization that saw the group surpass the $250,000 dollar mark.

 Between the two Hospice donations the group has supported a wide variety of local charities, including the Guelph Public Library, Sunrise Therapeutic Riding and Learning Centre, Ed Video, Rainbow Day Camp, Alzheimer Society, North End Harvest Market, and the Drop In Centre, to name a few. A full list, along with the heartfelt thank you speeches from the chosen charities, can be found at

 The concept is elegant, the impact enormous. Each member commits to attending a one hour meeting and making a $100 donation four times a year, with the donation going to a collectively chosen local charity. Guelph wins, every time.

 Thanks to a committed and passionate membership, 100 WWCG will continue to have a big impact in Guelph as they begin their sixth year at their next meeting, to be held at the Delta Hotel and Conference Centre on Thursday, October 17th at 7:00pm.

 New members are always welcome. There is no such thing as too many caring women in a room.

 Visit for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.


Press Release July 2019 (Hospice Wellington)

100 WWCG Invests in Hospice Wellington Sunroom

Hospice Wellington was chosen to receive the latest donation from 100 Women Who Care Guelph, with funds being allocated to reconfigure and outfit their sunroom.

Hospice offers palliative care in a nurturing environment to those in our community facing death. Their 10-bed residence is built around the concept that end-of-life care deserves as much beauty, care and respect as the beginning.

They achieve this by providing an at-home setting that feels warm and cozy, as well as being a tranquil space for families. Hospice is about living before dying, and their sunroom provides a wonderful oasis for families to gather and celebrate special moments, everything from weddings and anniversaries to baby gender reveal parties. It is also a peaceful space for snuggles with a beloved grandchild, the sharing of memories, or reflection and planning.

After nine years of service, Hospice would like to breathe new life into their sunroom. New furniture and a new configuration will allow for even more family members to be able to spend precious moments with their loved one in a beautiful setting. 100 WWCG is happy to provide their assistance to make that desire a reality.

Visit for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.



Press Release April 2019 (The Society of St. Vincent de Paul)

100 WWCG Buys Beds for Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a lay catholic organization with branches found around the world, has been active in our community for decades, with the goal of serving those in poverty among us with love, respect, justice and joy, regardless of religious affiliation, and with a heavy emphasis on the personal touch.

By visiting and making person-to-person contact with those in need, the Society gets an in depth look at what is truly required by a family or individual.

Many of us are familiar with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul through their resale store on Elizabeth St., but their presence and impact in our city goes far beyond that essential service.

They provide home visits, food, clothing, bedding, kitchen supplies, and furniture to those in need. St. Joseph Conference encompasses every household west of Edinburgh Road – from north to south – a large segment of our city.

One of the most obvious needs, and one of the most expensive, is the purchase of new beds. Because of sanitation and health concerns, used beds are not accepted for donation. St. Joseph Conference alone buys on average five single and three double beds every month, which takes up a considerable portion of their available donated funds, even with discounts from the local bedding stores.

By selecting the Society of St. Vincent de Paul St. Joseph Conference to be the recipient of their latest quarterly donation, 100 Women Who Care Guelph ensured that beds could be provided for the next 20 months. Visit for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.




Press Release January 2019 (Rainbow Day Camp)

100 WWCG Replaces Lost Government Grant for Rainbow Day Camp

As 100 Women Who Care Guelph learned Tuesday night, a critical piece of funding for Rainbow Day Camp’s Inclusion Program, a grant from the provincial government, has just recently been cut. 

Rainbow Day Camp has been providing different summer day camp experiences for kids of all abilities here in Guelph for 40 years. Their Inclusion Program, which is at the core of their philosophy, mixes kids of all abilities for a week long day camp. In the process, they are teaching empathy, patience, acceptance, and inclusion. What we learn as children carries over into adulthood, and empathy (or lack thereof) is a critical skill that can have a profound affect on a society.

While this program goes right to the heart of what they are trying to impart, it is also one of the most expensive due to the one-one care needed for each special needs child for the week they are at camp. There are five spots for each of the eight weeks of the program, and a personal support worker is essential for each of those children.

Having lost the grant, over the course of the summer instead of being able to offer the program to 40 special needs children, they would only be able to offer it to 16, a 40% reduction in the number of spots, and an incalculable loss to the children and families they are trying to support. It is one of their most popular programs, and with registration due to open in a month, Rainbow Day Camp reached out to 100 WWCG for support.

The personal story of a 7 year old girl overheard explaining to her nervous and protective mother that “the young autistic boy who had become over excited and was flapping was nothing to worry about, because he was actually really happy and the flapping was just a part of who he was”, is exactly what that program is all about – removing the fear of the “other” and replacing it with understanding and acceptance.

By choosing Rainbow Day Camp to be the recipient of their latest quarterly donation, 100 WWCG ensured the program would be fully funded for this summer, helping raise the next generation of caring men and women here in Guelph. Visit for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.




Press Release October 2018 (Welcome In Drop In Centre)

Welcome In Drop In Centre receives support from 100 WWCG

The women of 100 Women Who Care Guelph responded to the pressing need to provide a wide range of medical services to those most marginalized in our community. For those on the fringes of society because of poverty, mental illness or addiction issues, the difficulty of purchasing ancillary medically items that fall outside a medical or drug plan can be daunting. Thanks to this $12,000+ donation, the Drop In Centre can now provide assistance with extraneous medical expenses, such as the purchase of eye glasses, hearing aids, and walkers, with accessing much needed dental care, with providing cab fare to the hospital, as well as assisting with prescription medications not covered by any other plan – all things considered essential for good health care, and which most of us take for granted.

Since its founding in 1983, the downtown Drop In Centre has been a central hub offering critical support services to those in need. Thanks to the vision of its founder Sister Christine Leyser, and an army of volunteers, hundreds of at risk individuals in our community can find the assistance they need.

The Centre serves over 100 meals every day, provides emergency shelter, and can connect individuals with resources for mental and physical health, substance abuse, trauma counselling, and legal aid. They even provide veterinary care to pets (and their owners) that are homeless or precariously housed.

Truly, all are “Welcome In” to the Drop In Centre.

Investing in our community, now and for the future, is what 100 WWCG is all about. Visit for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.

Press Release July 2018 (Shelldale Family Gateway)

Shelldale Family Gateway receives support from 100 WWCG

Benjamin Franklin provided us with the following axiom: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

Using a preventative support model to enrich children’s lives, Shelldale Family Gateway (formerly known as Shelldale Better Beginnings, Better Futures) prevents children from experiencing poor developmental outcomes, thus avoiding costly health, education, and social services later on. Members of 100 Women Who Care Guelph responded generously to that concept by donating over $13,000 to Shelldale.

Preparing children to meet the challenges of living in and contributing positively to Canadian society is a monumental task, just ask any parent. Those challenges are increased immensely if you are from a socio-economically marginalized community, or a recent immigrant with limited English language skills.

Shelldale provides wrap-around supports through every stage of childhood to families in the Onward Willow neighbourhood, making sure that each child is supported every step of the way on that complicated journey.

Shelldale begins by sending Peer Parent family home visitors out into the community to connect with new mothers, introducing them to the work of the organization. That service is offered in eight different languages to ensure each family is fully aware of the supports that are available to them, helping them to understand the powerful effect those supports can have on a child’s development.

There are a variety of drop-in programs for pre-schoolers, followed by a breakfast program which ensures every child shows up at school well fed and ready to learn. For the tweens, there are art groups, a youth soccer club, after-school homework assistance, and many other programs designed to provide engagement, support and encouragement. Workshops in resume writing are offered to teens as they prepare to take up the mantle of adulthood and full participation in our society.

Investing in our community, now and for the future, is what 100 WWCG is all about. Visit for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.


Press Release April 2018 (Victorian Order of Nurses)

Victorian Order of Nurses on the Receiving End of Help

The Victorian Order of Nurses has been a part of Canadian society for 120 years, and last night the Waterloo Wellington Dufferin branch received the support of 100 Women Who Care Guelph at their quarterly meeting.

VON’s nurses, personal support workers, therapists and other health care providers care for Canadians in their homes and communities. They offer more than 75 home care, personal support, and community services designed to help the frail and isolated, those suffering from cognitive impairments or dealing with chronic illnesses. Their help is critical to both the client and the care giver.

The members were taken on the intensely personal and harrowing journey of a fellow member as she related the importance and impact VON had made in her own life. When a family member received a life altering medical diagnosis followed by severe complications, she found her whole world turned upside down. VON become an integral pillar in her life as she struggled to cope with a changing reality. The message was clear – it can happen to anyone, at any time, you will need help, and VON will be there when that help is needed most.

Within a week of reaching out for help, VON was there to assist. Of particular importance in this story was the Meals on Wheels service, as well as transportation to and from a myriad number of medical appointments over the course of her two year journey.

Sometimes, there is just no going back to “normal”. When your whole life goes topsy-turvy and you need to find a new path, VON is there to support you in that transition. With a $10,000+ donation from 100 WWCG, many more people in our community will have access to that care and compassion.

Visit for more information or to join 100 WWCG and help support those in need in our community.